party of 5

By partyof5

I hate ear infections and computers!

Yes, I know life could be a whole lot worse! Just really frustrated right now with computers and my lack of knowledge. We just don't seem to be fond of each other!

Mr. S. came home from a friends last night with a really bad ear ache. Poor guy hasn't had one for awhile, but this one is a whopper! I gave him meds and he went to sleep, woke in the middle of the night with pain again, more meds and back to bed. This morning we went to the urgent care. An hour later we were seen and were told it was very inflamed and ready to burst! Started on antibiotics, advil and television were also much needed. He is also upset because swim lessons at school are supposed to start tomorrow. Will have to miss that.

After much computer troubles I loaded my picture to blip and was told that the date is off! Ugggghhh!!! Could it be the time change?

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