Sunday Funday

16months 20days

We had a nice start to the day, she was full of bounce. And before long, also full of porridge. We went to church and she was super excited to see The Cousins. She charged round the hall grinning at people, stopping occasionally to make Monkey 'jump jump' on the floor. During the first bit of the service, she scoffed most of her sandwich that was there for lunch. With it being the start of lent, in the children's talk, everyone got handmade bread pretzels. She scoffed a whole one of those and half of mine.

She went into creche and apparently all the girls were really happy. I came back in and she ran up to me, then stood pointing at her little friend Lydia saying 'Lydi, lydi'. It was very cute. She crashed on the way home and slept for a long while when we got back.

She's still on the eating eating eating mission and did lots of it this afternoon, including a good tea again. As well as much more bouncing, smiling and general happy giddyness. The photo is her climbing on the comfy chair in her room, attempting to escape from getting ready for the bath!

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