must try harder

By halfcj

Bit of a blur.

Strange day. Nothing really enthused me today. I think maybe the reality of the Tsunami is being brought home by the round the clock on-the-ground reporting. A second day running when I've found it difficult to focus on anything in particular, and before I knew it, the day had passed me by. Plus my B had worked all weekend, poor her. Poor me!

I spent some time watching the images of the 'surge' experienced up and down the West Coast of the USA, links provided by other blippers. It was fascinating to watch, and albeit scary and in some cases destructive, it was nothing compared to the images we have be seeing across Japan. It was macabre that I found myself wishing I had been there to capture those moments of history.

I feel punch drunk. Everything's a bit of a blur. It came to 8pm and I hadn't even thought of taking a photograph. I had spent 10 mintes processing a portrait I did of my Dad, as I promised him I would, but now I was going to have a bath. Clean the weekend off and get on tomorrow with my new regime.

So, just a desperate and quick photo today. It's another SP, one that reflects the blur my day had become. Hopefully soon a distant memory.

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