must try harder

By halfcj

Thoughts of Japan

I found it very difficult to even think about blipping today. I seemed to spend most of my day glued to news coverage of Japan's pain. I tried to come to terms with the scale of devastation in my head. Tried to absord the images of destruction and how that poor country and it's people can even begin to rebuild their country, their homes, their lives.

I still find it difficult to comprehend the power of nature. A major economic power brought to it's knees by the planet it (and we) live on and exploit. Maybe in it's own way this is our planet fighting back? You often hear people say we are slowly destroying our planet, but events such as these make me feel there is no way we can. We are simply destroying our ability to live on it. Self destuction more like. Mother nature will prevail.

As I walked into the high street to pick up a few things, I was thinking of the Tsunami, how it has travelled down streets like the one I was walking on, taking everything along with it for the ride and I passed a house being renovated. The front garden fence needed rebuilding. I took my photograph thinking that at some point in the not too distant past, this fence would have been brand new, perfectly upright newly cut golden wood, provided by our planet. Now Mother Nature was taking it back.

It's new owners would be ripping it out. Clearing up the mess it had left. Rebuilding doubtless using supplies provided by our planet. I wondered how long it would be before she took it back.

I processed this as a black and white. It was the mood I was in.

I have a good friend who himself has many Japanese friends, mostly musicians, one of whom posted the following message on facebook:
Sunset Horizon - Kyoji Yamamoto
I hope this music could be a consolation for the people who are suffering from the disaster in Northern Japan...and people who are worrying about them. Japan is a beautiful country, we will rebuild it !!

It made me feel better.

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