jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Watching the game

Ben and Steve happy, at any rate! Me on the other hand - poor Scotland.

back-blipped yesterday....

Better day today. Started badly, leftover bad vibes from yesterday got in the way of me soundchecking with any kind of usefulness, but a couple of hugs later and I was on my way happy again. Seriously good talk today, really challenging. About how we can let the little compromises in our lives build up into sin without us even realising really what's happening. Or we can choose to form good habits, which build us up ready for the big hurdles up ahead. It's all about choice, training, good habits.

Soon after we got home Ben decided he wanted to go to sleep. There's not much will stop him if it gets sleep into his head and so even though Steve was cooking lunch Ben fell asleep on me. I took him upstairs and snuggled up with him on his bed until he was away, and came down to find a candlelit lunch waiting for me!! It may have only been eggy bread but it was the whole thoughtfulness behind it that melted me. I love my hubby :)

We've spent the afternoon fixing up a door, sorting out stuff for the attic, re-arranging a bedroom ready for Steve's mum and aunt to come and stay for the next few days, and making pizza.

Must remember to make Ben a packed lunch for tomorrow, and hope that preschool is ok about him staying for lunch without any prior notice.... Otherwise I will (quite happily) have to rearrange my appointment with the hygienist.

I love days that come good.

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