jeni and the beans

By themessymama

One Of Those Days

Where you wish you could have stayed in bed and ignored.

Frustrating morning, frustrating afternoon, feelings of having achieved next to nothing. And then bed in a mood with Steve. Not good.

When I tell people that we still co-sleep with Ben (from whenever his first wakeup is, usually around 1am) and that he still has free access for nursing during the night, they often think that I must be surviving on very little sleep but actually it's not that bad, really. I get a fair amount of sleep. I'm not constantly having to get up to see what the matter is with Ben. He gets comfort and security from being in with us. I get my hot water bottle. He gets milk. I get snuggly cuddles. And we get to lie in in the morning usually, because it's just generally a pleasant place to be.

But this past couple of weeks Ben's had mild tonsillitis and has struggled with sleep due to coughing and sore throat and sometimes a bit of a temperature, you know the slight temps that just make you feel uncomfortable more than anything. And as a result my sleep has suffered. Now we're all weary and snappy and it takes a great deal more self-control to keep things civil.

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