
By shy

Busy Sky

Not only was it busy, but it was blue for most of the day. Loads of luvverly sunshine, although there was a biting wind that whistled right up the high-street.
Since I work under the Manchester Airport flightpath, it would be silly not to get a shot of a plane or two, as these are the natural alternative to the swans -which I will not be blipping this week if I can help it. I seem to be doing a lot of the same thing lately, so that's going to stop and I shall turn over a new leaf, I will not be complaining about work either. As far as work goes, I think the immortal phrase: "Yes, but did you enjoy the play, Mrs Lincoln?" are suitable, and no more needs to be said. I might let you know if it improves.

God knows what I'm going to do tomorrow. I hope it snows.

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