
By shy

Flash Fire

Continuing my little series of flashgun blips (daffs & bottle so far) I thought it might be a solution on a dry blip day to take one of a fire extinguisher. This is a CO2 type, that emits a plume of freezing carbon dioxide. I am a fire marshal for upstairs, and when we were trained on these things, we were instructed NEVER to hold the bit where the CO2 comes out, otherwise the cold will stick your hand to it, and you will rip your skin off.

I have to say that it was great fun practising with different types of extinguisher in the car-park, putting out all sorts of fires. We've never had a fire here yet, (touch wood), so I've not had a chance to have another go. Even then you're supposed to call the fire brigade and help get everyone to safety and then get out yourself, giving you no chance to tackle the fire yourself.

The last fire we had was in our old office, then, someone had put a hot cross bun in the toaster and set it to maximum and went for a walk. The smoke set the alarms off but there was no actual fire. If I had been a fire marshall then, I would have bravely tackled the "blaze" with all the fire extinguishers, and saved everybody..

..from having to wait outside in a freezing car-park for an hour.

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