Pink Lilies

God up later than normal.

Then I caught up with D and we took a couple of fridges (we had borrowed them for the earthquake relief project we were involved in) back to their rightful owners. Then D took me out for a coffee and a bite to eat.

We had a good conversation and it was neat to be able to share some of my worries and thoughts with someone who isn't involved in my every day life. Thanks D for that.

Rae did a nose dive during our dog walk and T and I ended up having a good laugh. Rae did too. My jaw ached so much from laughing. That felt good.

I cooked pasta for tea and the three of us sat around the table, talking and eating and generally being almost normal.

My asthma has been hiding around the corner all day, but thanks to the occasional puff on my inhaler, it stayed at bay.

This is an unexpected surprise lily that popped up in my garden this week. It reminds me of my niece each time I catch a glimpse of it. I like how the petals are entwined, as if they are intimate friends.

Hasta la vista chicos!

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