1300 - Autumnal musings

Autumn waits, just around the corner. She's biding her time. The slushy leaves in the gutters build and build and build. The sun, just that little bit weaker each day. The mornings cooler. It's that messy time, betwixt summer and autumn. Autumn's glory not yet realised. Almost, but not quite.

I love Autumn. She's a real changer. Things are changing. How can they not. Right now, it feels uncertain. A little scary. I wonder ...

Everyone I know is in a state of flux. Anyone here who isn't is either denial or is being well sheltered. I have my good friends around me. Sometimes we laugh, just to try and get through the tough patches. And we have it easy in comparison.

The poor souls in Japan. So much harder for them with the unrelenting water.

They, along with so many closer to home, remain in my prayers.

Important to remember the laughter among so much sadness.

And then, of course, there's Autumn to look forward to ...

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