Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


Popped out for a brief walk around campus to soak up some sunshine and to try and wake up. It's a busy week at work and I'm lacking the vital ingredient of motivation.

Anyway, after stalking the police helicopter that was doing a spot of practising in the art of landing/taking off from a hospital roof, I spied this group of students. It's election week on campus and Mr Hopper here is standing for Equality and Diversity - presumably supporting the rights of gangly blokes to have turquoise hair and wear shiny orange leggings. I wish him well.

It's such a shame that I didn't get a good shot of his legs as they truly were a thing to behold and I sadly didn't have time to hang about and see if was planning on bouncing about on the large space hopper.

Anyway, despite being knackered, I'm happy that it's a sunny day and when my iPhone suggested I might like to listen to this on the bus into work this morning, I praised it for being a clever iPhone as yes indeed, that would be an appropriate track :-)


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