Fag Sandwich

Today is the first official day of my holiday week. I was up with the birds getting Sophie ready for school, and then Natalie, who is off tech today, and I headed off for a day out in Carrickfergus and Belfast doing various jobs and spending some time together.
By the time we arrived in Cornmarket, Belfast for some Blipping, I realised that it was my brother's lunchtime and he came out of his work to meet up for coffee and a smoke. He calls this break his "fag sandwich" which passes for lunch.
As I had decided to just use my 60mm lens today, the shots were fairly up close and personal. I had to get within stinky smoke range!
My favourite shot of him is below, called Happy Chops - click it and see what you think. At least he isn't smoking in it!

My other runner up today is of a Roma man (I think), in Botanic Avenue. I call him, for Blip purposes, Botanic Bill.

Also today, grandson Kieran was being bathed by Granny Parte: YouTube Here!

Happy Chops

Botanic Bill

FYI - Fags or fegs, as it is pronounced locally, means cigarettes!

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