More computer geekery today (well, for us it was anyway). The iTunes rebuilding project, like most building projects, has gone over time and over budget, but is nearing an end. Mr B upgraded the RAM in his new Macbook - with the help of a piece of paper and lots of blu tac (those screws are very small). The inside was a lot more scary looking than we expected (this shot is a bit of it, shot with shaky hands as my camera strap had just come very close to sweeping all the tiny screws off their blu tac perches onto the floor. All is well again, the new RAM has been accepted and the computer is safely enclosed in a snazzy new case to keep it safe and shiny.
I also bit the bullet and made a list of all the months I've lost photos for. There are more than I'd hoped. But, in a small bit of good news, the photos from 2002-5 which I thought I'd lost on the back up drive (which was probably broken anyway) are also on a CD backup. I have it marked as 'broken' as I couldn't get them to work on my PC. But the Mac, slowly but surely, is retrieving them. 52 photos imported in 2 hours is not great, but it's better than none.
In between home schooling, there was a visit from a lady who may, in a roundabout way, speed our path back to France. We shall see. The current impediments seem to be annoyingly affecting every part of life: even down to what kind of phone Mr B is going to buy.
Another dull, blustery day. The kids refuse to go outside. I think France has spoiled them for normal British weather. (Not that I was rushing out with glee into the rain or anything.)
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