Big planets
An extra-busy Wednesday, with a new club for Katherine to be ferried to and from. Though I didn't have any part in the ferrying: she went with her friend from up the road and her Dad, with Mr B riding shotgun so he knew the way to do the pick-up a few hours later.
Conor endlessly played football (why does it finish bang on time when I'm late, and 30 minutes late when I'm on time?) and while he was there I amused myself in the garden centre getting surprisingly detailed and accurate (I checked later on the internet) advice about adding lime to soil from a boy who looked about 12 but is presumably old enough to work - unless his idea of fun on his Wednesday afternoon off school is to nick a garden centre uniform and give advice to people with clay soil.
And in the evening there was some sitting outside watching the planets. And, as you can see, bad blurry photos were part of that experience. But at least you can have fun working out which marks are blurry stars, and which marks are dead pixels.
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