Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The sap would seem to be rising!

It's impossible to describe just how many ladybirds are enjoying themselves in the garden. I know I'm being a broken record about it, but seriously... Everywhere I point the camera there's a ladybird or six.

I'm full of disquiet today. I'm thinking about Japan.
Also, a little dead blue tit outside the window.
Problems on a macro and micro scale.

There's a poem by Leonard Clark, which is special for me (I don't know whether it's allowed on Blip)... I guess I'll find out, but the last stanza goes:
'How can this ever pass away
This home of hills and trees?
I rather think on Judgement Day,
When all are on their knees,
They'll find who through the clouds shall rise
That Gloucestershire is Paradise,
And Heaven's fields are these.'

Johnny Coppin put it to music, and it can be found by googling you tube and 'Johnny Coppin 'This Night''. I don't know how to give the link.

I've no idea why I'm sharing this today.

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