Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Shield bug... of some sort?

Possibly 'ornate'?? So, I thought I could (without too much guilt) spend an hour with the camera, possibly taking in a small stroll, and 'a quick blip'. (Is there such an animal?)

I've experienced strange and puzzling lost time, in a similiar way (one imagines) to having been abducted by aliens.

And I never set foot out of the garden.

First it was the ladybirds. OMGA*! They were EVERYWHERE! Mostly 7 spot ones. So, there were some nice images. Then, there was a fritillary, almost out. White, I think it'll be. ('Luminous beings are we..?'**). And then the shield bug bonanza! I saw three different kinds, assuming the above is actually one... (someone will know, confident I am!**). And there was a big, wasp-like... thing.
All captured :-) Some better than the above, but the above was the one I couldn't find when I googled.
*Oh My Giddy Aunt.
**Apologies for Yoda, 'once you start... consume you it will'.
I blame the insomnia.

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