jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Today we have had adventures.

Our first adventure was to the hospital. Yesterday afternoon I got a phonecall from the GP was saw last week, saying he'd been phoning round to see where Ben could have an ECG done. Finally he got Worthing Hospital to agree to one (and then it turns out he used to work at the Paediatrics department!) but for 9.30 this morning! I spoke to the department because I wasn't sure whether Mum and Aunty Joan would be able to come, and even once I mentioned that one was a nurse (retired) and one was a midwife (retired) the ward sister just laughed and said bring them along too :) So we went along and Ben was a model patient, allowing the nurse to take his blood pressure, check his pulse, his temperature, his weight. And then allowed them to stick the little ECG sticky pads all over him and hook him up and do two traces and he was GOOD AS GOLD I was so proud of him. All those evenings spent rubbing moisturiser into his little eczema-covered body have paid off. He knows what we're doing is trying to help him.

As it turns out his heartbeat has a slight abnormality. Every so often, and it really is very infrequent, his heartbeat delays a tiny fraction. You can't tell when taking his pulse in his wrist, the ECG only caught it once, and the Doctor spent a long time listening to his heart specifically listening out for the delay. (He did hear it.) But the outcome is, so long as it's not bothering Ben, as in he's not getting out of breath or struggling or anything, we'll ignore it. Not ignore it as in pretend it's not there, but ignore as in not do anything about it for the time being. So we are discharged, but it's in his notes and it's something that at least we know is there for the future.

After a cake and coffee we had a run about on the beach and of course I hadn't brought my camera in the rush to get out for the appointment so you have a montage of iPhone pics today. Good times clambering about. And Ben got to look at the lifeboats, and motorbikes and a big yellow cherry-picker thing, and climb on rocks and balance on big beams.

We might take Gran and Aunty Joan swimming tomorrow, if the pool is open......

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