
Another very full day, very good day. (Oh and before I go any further, I am particularly pleased that this shot is straight out of the camera! Absolutely no tweaking, at all! It could be a first ;)... )

Apart from last night where Ben climbed into bed with us (as usual) and then couldn't settle and ended up 2.30am screaming as I climbed out of bed to go find piriton for him. He didn't want leaving. Then he was too wound up to understand that I'd take him with me to find medicine. So I comforted him while Steve stumbled down to find the piriton. I did think it smelt odd when Steve poured it into the spoon but Ben accepted the medicine anyway. Turned out to be tixylix. So I took Ben (having finally stopped wailing) downstairs with me and dosed him up on piriton to stop him itching and calpol to stop his throat hurting so on that cocktail we stumbled back to bed and hoped for sleep. I still didn't get much what with fidget on one side and snorey on the other.

Very VERY tired this morning. So was Ben. We considered going out somewhere but as it was 10.30am by the time I managed to drag myself and Ben upstairs to get dressed, he was knackered again and by 11am he was back in bed fast asleep.

Once he'd woken up and was finally dressed we had lunch and Ben ate enough to more than make up for his lack of appetite the past few days. After a bit of a play in the garden we headed off to Steyning to see daddy (we were taking him some banana cake - I finally have a recipe that actually works - and we'd put it in Ben's tin lunchbox. Ben carried it all the way from the car to work, waited for daddy when we got there, and then Ben opened the tin and presented Steve with his cake. Very impressed!) and have a stop in the cafe for a caffeine fix (for Gran and Aunty Joan anyway - I have learnt my lesson re caffeine) and a play in the playpark. All very civilised, and a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Ben announced on the way home that he wanted to go to sleep now. Thankfully he didn't but he has soldiered on all evening, eating a lot of dinner, watching some tv, and then going into a complete I'M TIRED meltdown when Steve took him upstairs to get pyjamas on. Finally asleep.

What a day. A few mokorbike pics from playing in the garden on the other place.

I need to go to bed soon!

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