A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal



Cover lesson with lower school girls PE. Theory lesson on rules relating to safe behaviour when using a trampoline. Fortunately, I know something about the topic, having been a decent gymnast and trampolinist in my younger days.

We go through the safety rules. They get them all. Then I ask them about what they think is 'appropriate dress' for trampolining. Blank looks. So I stand at the front of my classroom, in my lovely grey formal dress and jacket, and ask
"Would you consider me to be appropriately dressed for the trampoline now? If not, why not?"

"No Miss, because you'd flash your knickers to everyone"

Kids are great.

Long day. Another one tomorrow.

However, a conversation, non-work related, this evening has resulted in me beginning to adopt a "knickers to it all" attitude and I have decided to stop procrastinating and take positive action to help me to do what I want to do.

And there I will stop.

Thanks for the comments on last night - no trickery - just wine glass with Merlot, with me crouching on the floor at a lower level - shooting upwards towards the glass.


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