Wine O'clock

Wine makes everything look different.

How very typical of me though - pour a glass, then get the camera before even taking a sip. At least it will have had time to breathe.

Long day, stayed at work till 7pm (some colleagues will have been there till 9pm probably). Came home, started working again. Gave up at 9.30 - the last bit of coursework will get done tomorrow, along with gathering copies of files that the examiner will want to view on screen.

By 4pm it will all be done then I can leave work and go to an appointment and chill out.

Tomorrow is another day, with 2 hours invigilation, a cover lesson for colleagues who have their examiner in tomorrow, a meeting with a parent, duty after school, and somewhere the squeezing in of finalising our stuff. Not sure how, but it will get done.

Now. A nice BIG glass of Merlot.

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