must try harder

By halfcj

What goes around...

Great day today. Presentation went smooth as silk. Client loved it. Nothing to change. Carte Blanche! More work to be done. Very happy all round so got back, woke B up from her afternoon nap (needs it now she's working all these goddamn NHS shifts!) and took her into Kingston to buy her a new dress and some shoes. It made her happy. That makes me happy.

I fancied one of those succulent Kreme doughnuts but we had taken so long deciding between three dresses she loved that they were closing as we got there. It was just one of those cravings anyway. Now I'm not supposed to have them, then I am often desperate to have one, so go into a bakers shop to get one. I seldom do. Today it was because they were closing. A message maybe.

So I picked up Tom from the restaurant. He was earlier than usual, quiet night. He asked me to nip into the garage so he could pick up some tabs and directed me to the pumps then filled up the car with petrol, going via the cash point and took out £250 for B. He said it was for our trip to Ireland on Thursday.

Here's my boy (well, still my boy even at 25), having spent 6 years in Europe slaving away for peanuts in Michelin Star restaurants and now he has a bit of money (still slave labour though if you ask me!), he gives it to his Ma and tops up my petrol.

Money! It burns a hole in his pocket. Too generous by far. What is it they say about Saturday's Child! Well he sure proves it, then gives it away. Where does he get it from!?

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