must try harder

By halfcj


Quick blip today to Ireland at the crack of dawn tomorrow and really really manic busy to tie loose ends, plus prepare for the trip.

So...quickly thought I would try to hone my Zoom lens Macro techniques...particularly as our Camelias are now starting to bloom nicely! I was quite a way from this bloom, and really struggled with focus as it was hand held, and the more I concentrated, the greater camera shudder I got. Makes you realise tripod is best for these things. The smallest movement, even at fast shutter speeds just sacrifices sharp detail. Still hopefully this gives you a feel for the colour in our garden at the moment. This is a massive bush, so plenty of colour.

Be good to show you later in the season the change in colour. It's amazing.

So that's it for today...sorry I know blippers think flowers are boring. There'll be no more from me until my return from Ireland, but I'll back blip to catch you all up.

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