My Angle

By myangle


I got up at 8am this morning. Jo was starting work late so we both went fo a drive down to the waterfront. The yacht I photographed the other day is still anchored in the bay. I also noticed that there are few fishing boats in Manly Harbour which is unusual. They must all be sheltering from the wild weather we have been having lately. There has been a lot of storms but mostly the weather has been hot and calm. The open ocean is a different story though. There are big swells from a cyclone between Fiji and New Zealand (both a very long way away). I think most of the boaties are heeding the warnings and waiting it all out.

My guess is that the fellow in the tinnie in the foreground belongs to the yacht in the background. It is a tender boat which means it falls under the licence of the bigger boat. There was no-one else moored out there. I am pretty sure that the yacht was in the dry docks up the road a week or so ago. I photographed it but it ended up being a blip reject.

Five minutes before I took this photo there were blue skies. The cloud cover slowly got heavier as the day went on today. It all culminated in a huge storm which has caused localised flooding and power outages. Jo tells me the we have had 55mm of rain this afternoon. Add that with the rainfall since the weekend and it won't take much to tip the total over 200mm for the week. That is a lot of rain. It would be nice if it cooled things down for a few hours but all it does is make things more humid.

I did some more painting this morning. The builder finished sanding the plastering so I can go for broke. My plan is to get all the exposed areas painted before the new kitchen arrives. It makes the job a lot easier. Thankfully work is quiet. I am a bit second hand tonight.

Dentist tomorrow. Lovely.

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