
When Rohan was about 13 months, she fell in the shower, and, in pouring blood, we realised that her beautiful front tooth, and the one next to it had gone. A rush to the dentist, who told us that it was gone, probably down the drain, but sent us off to sick kids incase it had been inhaled into a lung. We were advised to observe her breathing etc, and return if concerned.
She was fine. But we (especially me) were traumatised at our little sweet (she had not shown her true and wild colours at this point) girl now looking a bit like a baby pirate.
However, over the next few weeks, I came to accept that she would have no front tooth for some years to come; but it did keep on bleeding every time she fell or got bumped.
Which seemed a bit strange.
Around 5 weeks later, I felt something in her gum, and sure enough, both teeth made their way back down and more or less into place again. A bit yellow but fully functional.
And now it's about to come out properly......

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