Off to new beginnings

By preussischblau

Despite feeling rather fluey, I dragged myself out as promised to go for drinks with Sascha. She took me to the Green door, which was absolutely fantastic (weefeet/redleader, you will be dragged there I swear!), you would hardly notice it when walking past as it is in fact just a green door (with a bell, and you have to wait to be let in), had a lovely chat with the cocktail lady by the bar, all very mellow and James Bond, then headed on to Mitte for an evening of classical music in an otherwise very happening nightclub (Crush/Cookies). The wait in the queue was hilarious, with all these majorly cool people just kind of rushing past and walking past the bouncers, the wait inside for the pianist not quite so funny anymore after an hour of standing around. When he did turn up, his Bach fugues and cute French accent made it all worth it though.

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