just allan

By allan

Haar Haar

Creative fundraising at the Axolotl Gallery, Edinburgh. There were thick clouds of cold mist blowing through the city streets today, clearing occasionally to give "very Edinburgh" vistas. The Scottish word for this sea fog is "haar", so the title was irresistible =)

As I was kneeling, then lying, on the steps to get an angle on this to include the gallery title, the door opened and I thought "uh, oh. Copyright row about to ensue." I was wrong. "That's a pound to Comic Relief for every photograph," she said. We grinned and exchanged winks. I made sure I brought home 4 £1 coins - 1 each - for the children to take to school for their collections.

I had 4 basic ideas today that photographed quite well and choosing this one was a case of "diary" winning over "image." The others are on Flickr. I would have chosen the "Home Comforts" chairs if I hadn't snapped the Comic Relief.

EDIT: Just noticed I'm just short of 10,000 views in total. Pledge: If this one takes me to 10,000 I'll put another £10 into Comic Relief. In fact, I'll hand it in to the gallery to add to their total =)

EDIT EDIT: 11pm and 10,064 views. £10 to Comic Relief! I'm looking forward to popping into the gallery tomorrow to hand it over.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: I handed £10 in to the gallery at lunchtime and had a chat. What a nice place, I'll pop back for a visit one day.

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