just allan

By allan


Blossom on a tree near the school to remind us that after a week of rain, this will pass and we'll all be complaining about the heat before we know it!

Not much else today. I delighted Katie by bringing home an empty plastic box for her to put her art things in. It is a particularly nice pink box with a tray for pencils and things, but an empty box nonetheless. It's full now of course! She wanted to know if I chose these pink flowers to match her new box, so there's a nice connection.

Blossom is also particularly Japanese, and like everyone else I've been shocked and awed by the situation there. Talking about the sheer power of a tsunami, a colleague pointed out that a single cubic metre of water literally weighs a ton. Given waves the size of houses travelling at incredible speeds it's easy to see how the devastation must have been instant. The photographs are harrowing and explaining it as best I can to the children is a delicate matter.

Sometimes boring old Britain seems just fine. No revolutions, no natural disasters. Just a bit dreich.

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