Clare's Symi

By claresymi

Nightboat to Nowhere

Whenever I see photographs like this fantastic shot by my good friend Jord, I always think WOW and am taken over by the big, green-eyed jealousy monster. Then I whine to myself, 'wish I had the equipment to do that', 'wish I knew how to do that'.

I figured it was time to stop wishing and see whether I could improvise well enough to produce half-decent night shots. With this in mind, last night after work I did some experiments and was surprised at how well the shots turned out and decided that today's Blip would be a night shot of the harbour. I wasn't 100% confident so I did take some back-up snaps too!

So, here we are. My first real attempt at a Symi night scene. I must say that I'm pretty pleased, especially considering it was taken with my crappy little 4mp point and shoot, no tripod and no idea of what I was doing.

When I get the chance, I'll upload some of the other shots to Flickr and include a link in a future Blip.

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