alice's adventures

By aliceblips

Thanks - son no.1

Fin is helping me prepare for Beau's birthday tomorrow. The birthday boy has high expectations so I need all the help I can get.

He is making jelly, wrapping the presents, making cards and cracking open the party sausages. His help is invaluable.

He is a star.

By way of a thank you I have let him direct and choose today's blip.

A verse for the night before the birthday:

When you have said you evening prayer,
And your clothes are folded on the chair,
And mother switches off the light,
You'll still be six years old tonight,
But, from the break of day,
Before the children rise and play,
Before the darkness turns to gold,
Tomorrow, you'll be seven years old.
Seven kisses when you wake,
Seven candles on your cake.

Beau looks forward to me reciting this each year almost as much as he does his actual birthday.

Sleep well birthday bunny.

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