alice's adventures

By aliceblips

A celebratory leg

Orlando wears Beau's rainbow Munchkin socks as testament to a happy and sunny day.

A cross between a clown and a modern day leprechaun - quite apt to celebrate St Patricks Day and a seventh birthday, all in one.

My lovely Beau is a happy seven year old and the proud owner of three young stick insects.

I gave him a helium filled, gold, heart shaped balloon which, despite my earlier stern warnings to Orlando about releasing, I let go of in the playground myself.

Beau was delighted that it had escaped and that it was free.

What a boy.

He also found it hilarious that his school shoes disappeared and were presumably worn home by someone else (not at all hilarious to me).

Happy birthday bunny/magpie/squirrel/monkey/peacock/mad march hare Beau Beau. Thank you for being ours.

Happy St Patricks day too.

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