
By cracker

Golf Swing!

Kaz, Spence and I went for a bike ride this morning before breakfast! Spence was on the back of my bike in a little bike seat! As soon as we started off he said 'I want to turn around and go home now'!! We rode about 10km (6miles) and came back and had breakfast!

We wanted to take Stu and Sue to play golf this morning so I rang Tarsh to see if she would look after Spence for a couple of hours! She said she would, so we dropped him off at her house and went and played 6 holes (it was all we could fit in, in the time we had). We had a great time! We hired a golf buggy so Sue and Stu could ride around in style!

We picked up Spence and then went out for lunch to the Toolshed! It is a quaint old place sort of like a pub but smaller! We came home and put Spence down for a sleep. Tarsh called and asked if I would go over to look after Ethan (who was sleeping) while she went up to Laura's school! I did and then we decided that I would take both her kids back to our house while Tarsh went to Boot Camp for an hour! The kids played together and then had tea here as did Tarsh when she got back!

We are all going to an auction of a house tomorrow so Kaz and I have spent the last hour and a half going through figures trying to work out how much we can afford to offer on the house! Exhausted now and going to bed!

This is a photo of me that Kaz took while we were playing golf!! Can't remember how the shot ended up!! (I have tonemapped it slightly in Photomatix!)

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