
By cracker

New House!

The other house we were going to buy has fallen through so this morning we got ready and headed off to Morwell for an auction of a house we were interested in. On the way we stopped in Warragul so I could have a blood test to see if I am pregnant! (I haven't got the results yet but am pretty sure it will be negative!)

We got to the auction just on time where they were auctioning six Department of Housing houses! The auction was held in Morwell at the site of one of the houses being auctioned but not the one we were interested in. The one we were interested in was last but the auction went really quickly! The first one went for $83,000, the next one $96,000, the next two got passed in and the fifth one went for $115,000. Ours was the only one in Traralgon and is on a large block that seems to be big enough to subdivide and put another dwelling on the back! The house needs to be renovated but doesn't need as much work as the other one we nearly bought!

Kaz and I had decided that based on our numbers and our research we wouldn't bid over $170,000. The bidding started off at 120,000 and went up with about three different people interested to $155,000 before we came in! Kaz was so cool and calm about it! I was trying to keep Spence occupied so he didn't distract anyone! Kaz was bidding against one main other person and as soon as he would motion to go up a thousand, Kaz would go straight back at him with another bid! He would then wait until it went to 'going three times' before he would bid again and then Kaz would go straight away! We ended up getting it for $165,000!!

We signed all the papers and left that house, went and had lunch at La Porchetta in Traralgon and then went and had another look at the house we had just bought!! We showed Stu and Sue and took a few photos!

We came home, played around with Spence and then had roast beef for tea and played games!

Tomorrow we are going to go for a drive to Blue Rock Lake which is only about 40 minutes away, then after lunch we will drive Stu and Sue to their friend's house on the other side of the city where they are staying until Monday when they fly home to Tasmania. It has been lovely having them here as we hardly get to see them now they live so far away.

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