Party time!

16 months 24 days

We were at a party this morning! I was a bit nervous arriving - the mum organising is a wee bit scatterbrained (putting it kindly!) and it's an unusual day/time for this party venue to hold a party. I got even more nervous when we were five minutes late and arrived to no party girl. Thankfully they turned up ten minutes later!

Katie really enjoyed the party, she ran round the climbing lots, and spent a good while building in the soft play. She's very into towers at the moment (she's sat with a mammoth construction as I type, dancing with excitement at the prospect of knocking it down). She had a good bounce on the froggy thing in the photo. At lunchtime, she sat at the table with the others first but she's not all that used to doing that so ended up sitting in a highchair. She ate 1 1/2 sausages and some peas, but it was the desserts that she loved. She ate loads of the jelly & angel delight with sprinkles, and half a (very large) chocolate crispie cake, but was beginning to fall asleep in the chair.

After the food and cake/singing, I packed her up and we came home. She was asleep before we had got up the street from the play centre, then slept for 2 hours. We've had a walk to the post office and are just playing at home now. She got a flashylight ball from the party and has been chasing round with that, throwing it at the floor to make it light. We're going to bake a cake in a little bit, once a delivery we're waiting for arrives.

6pm - delivery hasn't arrived. I gave up and made the cake anyway. Not amused.

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