Getting Ready

2years 148days

I chose this photo today as today's been a morning where Katie's been an impressively independent little miss. Already this morning she has:
-Got herself totally ready for ballet. The tights are indeed over the leotard, but all is the right way out and facing the right way
-Put her tap shoes on and danced on the coffee table
-Learnt how to wipe her own bottom after a poop
-Mastered buttering bread and then making it into a star shaped sandwich with a plastic cutter
-learnt that garlic bread tastes better if its cooked.

We've got dancing shortly, then off to swimming. This afternoon our friend Vicki is coming to visit us. We've a few bits to sort out ready for Mothers Day. Its not like me to not be organised for these occasions. I have a plan just havent yet actioned it! Then Vicki will come back with us for tea. A fun day!

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