
By Noahpops2004


Today I Had The Second Leg Of A rUGBY Tornement. Last Week Was Tag Rugby And This Week Was Contact Rugby (Which Is My Type Of Rugby!!!!)

There Were 9 Of Us Altogether But We Got Back To School So Late They Had To Run Off. I Had This Pic Done Just As These 4 Stepped Off The Bus!

In Our First Match...Well...Lets Just Say Some DinnerLadies Give More Food To Others Than They Should...But We Won By Taking Them Down (Just!!!!) And Scoring Tri.

Second Match...Skinny Little Runts At The School We Played So It Was Slightly Easier!!!!!!!!!!! We Won Again!!

Third Match Was The Team Whos School It Was So They Had Alot of Support But Once Again We Absolutely Thrapped Them 9-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Made The Finals And Were Against The Other Team From The School We Were At. They Were Really Really Tall, And My Team Arent A Tall Bunch So We Had A Bit Of A Challenge.At This Point There Were Atleast 40 People Cheering On The Other Team And Our Teachers Who We CAme With Just Sat Down And Did Absolutely Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So....We Lost That One Coming In Second Place Which Is Not Bad At All But Not As Good As 1st!

We Had Quite A Few Injuries In Our Squad! Firstly One Of My Best Mates Darcy (Middle Top Row) Had A Nose Bleed After Being Punched And Then Got Stood On Her Arm By A Girl With Studs On Her Boots!!!!!!! Then One Of My Other Best Friends Mille ( Not In The Pic) Got A MASSIVE Scratch All The Way Down Her Chest!!!! It Was Bleeding So Much!!!!!!! Then She Had A Nose Bleed Aswellll!!!!! I Collapsed On The Floor And Then Got Stood On So Im Now Limping Round The House But Eh Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All In All A Really Good Afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope Your All Okay!!!!!!!

P.S I Finished Filming The Video Today And It Was Great Fun!!!!!!!!!

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