Planko's Pics

By planko


First flight ever into Luton today. What a dump! Thank goodness i had to fly back via Heathrow.

Spent the entire return flight talking (mainly about blip and photography, but also family, polytunnels, pheasants and Japan) to the passenger next to me who was a new mum traveling from New Zealand (36 hours of travelling) with her six week old son on her own.

He was a little star all the way and didn't make a noise until the plane had landed and everyone was trying to get off. Took me back to when my own kids were little and their first flights, although they were much older.

Tried to take some shots at the airport, but they turned out rubbish, so took this on the way home as it reminded me of some things i saw today.

As its paddys day, i took part in sampling the fine black stuff at the airport with a late lunch. Grand!


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