That was a surprise.

The apology received today.
A bat flying around a classroom.
The smiling face of a parent who is coming 'on side'.
A very busy and positive Parents Evening.
Managing to eat properly during the day.
A straight run home with no silliness on the motorway.

None of those surprises compared with Carlos mistaking my finger for a cricket and jumping across from his branch to clamp his jaws firmly around the middle finger of my left hand. It didn't hurt, but I did scream/yelp at such a volume that I scared the bejeezus out of James, who is still a little shaky. In the kerfuffle, Carlos then jumped straight out of his tank and landed on the floor, which meant careful and firm grip to grab him and get him back into his tank before he scarpered and hid behind James' desk.

He was clearly still hungry after his crickets and then let James feed him a mountain of lettuce. He is currently shedding his skin - yesterday his face was hanging off, today it is clear, but his back has turned a dull colour which is the start of the shed - I am hoping it comes off in one go. He's a right moody so and so when he has PST - Pre shed tension. Perpetually hungry, doesn't want anyone to touch him, sulks and sleeps a lot.

He is starting to sound a bit like me.

Considered this shot - "Tongue out" - how rude!

That's it - it's wine o clock.

Night all

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