
After the shenanigans last night, and then not being able to settle (neither of us) till about 1 in the morning, then having a dodgy night's sleep, going to work this morning was hard, but provided a degree of security, safety and familiarity that I really needed. I have some wonderful friends there who have offered rooms (and in one case, a house) to stay in if we needed too. I needed to be around you guys today, even if it was a bit of a wacky day in some respects.

Was full of dread about coming home, but all was quiet. Went round to see my neighbours and the son gave me what I genuinely believe was a real apology. my neighbour has also apologised for her son's behaviour and, typically me, I had said to her "oh, it's fine" and she said to me "Don't you dare let him off the hook that easily". So I didn't - I explained to him that I accepted his apology, and understood the circumstances, but that deeply personal and inaccurate statements screamed at me were not going to help anybody, and certainly were not going to encourage me to speak positively about him if asked to give a character statement. I made my point, he accepted, apologised again, and again, and then explained the circumstances around what had happened. He's in a pretty bad way physically, and to be fair to him, he had been mobbed away from the house and had actually fought his way back through the gang in order to get to the house to make sure his mum and brother were safe, as the gang apparently would have had no hesitation in attacking them either. The machete was thrown in through the front door as he came in - lucky that it didn't do more damage to someone than it already had.

His Dad was mortified about what had been said to me, and I am pretty certain that he has come down heavy on him.

my problem - in many respects, I am too forgiving. Maybe fear of retribution somewhere down the line. Or maybe I really do want to give people a chance to do the right thing. Who knows? I have no doubt that my forgiveness will be thrown back at me some point down the line.

Funny moment of the evening last night though - when Sparky the cat decided that the Forensic team's work briefcase thing was placed in his favourite hedgehod watching spot, and he was still going to sit there regardless - so whilst the Bobbies stood around surveying the scene and discussing what had happened, our cat got himself comfy and had a good sniff at the forensic's toolkit!

Despite functioning with the energy levels of a sleeping slug, I have actually been pretty productive at work, and at home, and have managed to get the templates set up for making the place cards for the tables at the wedding. Just got to print them all and carefully tear them away from the perforations and then fold them. Friday night job methinks. Hotel on Saturday to pay up the balance. Ouch.

No longer will I be Hebs....I'll be a Dunwood! yay. But you can all still call me Hebs :-)

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