As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Especially In Michigan

What a happy Thursday.

Audrey made the most scrumdidilyumptious Irish soda bread for St. Patrick's Day. We made some cool glider thing in really felt like Friday.

Track was just an easy 5 mile run. Core was pretty tough though... The Tri-M recital was tonight and I played with Grace, Aly, Sam, and Bridget. It was a lot of fun.

I just finished packing for MICHIGAN!!! I know I'll only be gone for two days but I'm so nervous I'm going to forget something. We're leaving right from school so I have to bring all of my stuff to Ms. C's office in the morning. No time to fix any mistakes...

I still have one more sketch to do. I'd really rather not do it but I'm too young to be catching senioritis. Senioritis is a crippling disease where students just give up on work and school in general. It's contagious and my brother is a senior so I guess I caught it from him.

Hopefully I'll be blipping from Michigan tomorrow with the use of Alyssa's laptop! Wish us luck!

I took this picture as I walked home from track. I always found it interesting how plants grew intertwined with the was a lovely day out and I enjoyed the walk.

Word of the Day: Quaff - To drink heartily

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