LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

It's been EMOtional

When will I, will I be famous? To burn out or fade away? Live fast, die young?

Another suicide from a Bridgender
Probably been watching too much Eastenders
Emo bands all over the place
Emo kids too, ......
....you've seen their face

Amy on crack and Fame on tap
You know it ain't all that, but just look at this twat....
Easy money, fame and fortune - "I'm never gonna make it so might as well take it - human life that is, if not theirs then mine... my death'll finally get me my own headline"

But you know it's nothing new, son, you're just talking 'bout everyone's g-g-generation

Wash yer eyes and yer ears oot, kids. You're tuning in to too much trash. I'm convinced a lot of this bullshit is connected.

Damn, someone needs to tell these adolescents that, yes teenage life should be the shortest period of your life, but only cos there's just 7 full years of being a teen compared with all the other decades in life. It'll all be over soon. You'll turn 20 and wonder what all the fuss was about.

I'm getting old. I used to think I was down with them - an adultlescent if you will - but this new wave take the biscuit. They make the angst of Morrissey fans from the '80s and grunge fans from the '90s positively jolly.

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