
By Appreciation

Pick Me, Pick Me!

The sun is shining today. I have waited all week for this. I never drag my heels on days like this - there is so much to do. So much to take in and appreciate.

As I was packing up to head out I noticed the way the sun was catching the narccisi in my bouquet from an earlier blip. It was screaming out Pick me, Pick me. Where's the harm I thought. These need to be filed away somewhere. I am planning day of lots of shots, taking full advantage of the sun, so indulge a little.

Within minutes I was hypnotised by their perfume, their delicate petals, the blaring sun through them, scorching, and yet they stand tall and proud.

So there I am lying on the kitchen table looking through a lens straight into the sun - did I worry about my poor iris? Not a jot.

I should have left straight after but I needed to see them, and now I know, there can be no shot today which matches them. So difficult was it to choose that I took time to upload others on my blipfolio. Which would you choose?

I'm off now to support my mum with her fragile delivery. Nothing can spoil your mood when the sun is out. I'll be pushing back hard at anything that tries.

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