still life with dolphin
Captain's log August 21, 1789
This morning at dawn Higgins spotted the blow of large sperm whale to our north. The air was silvery with a mist and visibility was wanting.We approached slowly, as the wind was not perfect. When we came within a distance at which we could launch our boats, Higgins began to shout in a panicked fashion, directing us to lower sail and cease pursuit of the creature. He scurried down the mast rather like a monkey suffering a seizure and began recounting what he saw.
"When the beast came up that last time and arched his back, upon it I did see four of the most pleasing naked maids with hair as long as horse's tails. It was scales that they had all about where their legs would have been. I swear it's true, upon the life of my own daughter I swear it"
I could not for life of me get any of the crew to dismiss this notion as mere fantasy, and because their beliefs and superstitions are so strong, they would not consider further pursuit of the creature, though his blow could be seen clearly as he moved off to our north.
It did not help that this evening, as darkness enveloped us, in the froth of our wake the water began to sparkle and glimmer as if stars were reflected there within.
Captain Metathias Pearson
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