Suki McSuki

By SukiMcSuki

The Zombie Has Missed Y'all...!!!

FINALLY, I manage to get a Blip on here for the first time in days...

Started my new job on Monday and after Day 4, I am delighted to share with you that I am totally reassured that the decision I made to move was the right one!!!

I have been totally swamped though - but I'm not daunted - more money, nice environment and the 3 people I am working for are GREAT...

I've really been struggling, though, and it has been a hard hard week after Christmas and New Year shenanigans... I am extremely exhausted and I have been fit for virtually nothing every evening... lunch hours have been snatched and hurried too and I haven't had the energy to Blip...

As you will see, I am looking a bit pale and wan but today, I decided that I HAD to pick up my Blipping passion again - no matter what - so here I am!!!

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