Suki McSuki

By SukiMcSuki

Sore Head Sore Head Sore Head Sore Head Sore Head

Friday night finally came after my first week in my new job and a week of very little food (broken heart) and very little sleep (stress, anxiety and excitement)...

Became very inebriated embarrassingly quickly with my lovely friend of over 10 years, Ann Marie, who had picked me up from work and took me home, where we subsequently worked our way through 3 - 4 bottles of wine... oh. dear....

I love wine but it really doesn't agree with my wee head, so can only usually manage a glass or two, at which point I need to move on to the light stuff, which doesn't give me headaches (ie spirits !!!)...

Needless to say, I woke up today with a banging headache but got up and spent the afternoon with Ann Marie, rejuventaing her cv on the laptop (the reason she had come up on Friday night in the first place - she has been working in insurance for 11 years and she totally wants out)...

I am very happy to say that Ann Marie was delighted with the final product and we set about emailing her cv for 5 jobs on good old "S1" and will continue to do so until she gets out of her current job...

Fingers crossed for a much needed change for my pal...

(Banging headache lasted the WHOLE day but I managed to get some Nurofen Liquid Capsules - the biz for bangin heads - and now at 10.30pm on Saturday night - I feel like a human being again...!!!)

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