
By lifeandstuff


"Perhaps the world's second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore"

Bubbly. Celebrating. Perhaps the end of the week, the fact that I have a night all to myself, as hubby is up north for the weekend, or hopefully, perhaps, that... (dare I write this yet?) that after 5 long months of some sort of weird ear "virus" thingme, that has made me dizzy, ill, sick, tired, and generally bored of being ill and very grumpy. I have been hell to be around, and have barely seen many of my friends.

I went to the doctor.. did I say doctor? I mean that place that has people in it that ask how you are. I have been three and a bit times. I say a bit because once was with the wee one when the lady said "oh you look well, glad you are over your virus" Its amazing what a bit of mascara can do. On my final visit, yesterday, to the doctor man who told me at Christmas that "yes, you will get dizzy, you are a hairdresser, they get dizzy, and sometimes just fall over"
He wasnt going to help me. Again, he couldnt see that they was anything wrong. He didnt see that the blinding headache, constant dizziness and sore ear meant there was anything wrong. Before he could finish the sentence that would end "it will go away" I was crying girl in the doctor's room. I asked with tears of desperation rolling down my face "could it not.... just... be an ear infection???" he said "oh, do you think so? well, lets treat it like that, and I will give you some antibiotics" and see... with a roll of the eyes.

Day 2 of antibiotics and the relief is unreal. No sore head, and am only slightly aware of the problem. I can't believe it... could it be going away?
I just wish they had given me these on Christmas eve when I was also crying girl in the Doctor's surgery. :-)

So bubbly... celebrating the beginning of the end... I hope. :-)
Maybe I can have some cheerful blips. And I can stop mooooaning..... and actually become the cheerful wee person I used to be. hurrah!!!

Great day, great week, hope you have had too. I am now on my own watching chick flicks, in a dressing gown and am very cosy. :-)

have a good sunday! :-)

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