
By shy


..and it's only taken me 363 days to get to this point. Result! (Almost)

But I am a very busy person, and can't always find the time, so I reckon that for me it is an achievement. I want to thank everybody who has taken the time to look and to comment.

The main reason I joined this was to get into digital photography as a hobby, and I felt the discipline of taking and publishing one a day would at least justify the cost of buying the camera in the first place as well as develop some photography skills.
I think the reality is that it takes an average of 30 shots a day to find one to publish. The argument about justifying the expense of a good camera was blown out of the water by buying two more (which I am still struggling to justify), and as for the photography skills, I think I can say without contradiction that I am more confident with the camera, and I know instinctively when a shot will not work, and I certainly know that it's impossible to ever take one I'm completely happy with.

Mostly, though, I've learnt off you guys how a picture should be taken and presented, and I will continue my attempt to emulate it. I've also learned a hell of a lot about the technical side from all of you - the only trouble being that I now have a shopping-list of lenses, cameras, lighting and other sundry contraptions as long as my arm.
What I didn't quite expect when I first joined was just how friendly and supportive people here would turn out to be. It is a constant source of amazement and delight.
Bless you all!

Thanks to Joe and the Team for working so hard to provide us with the best photo-blogging site on the internet.

PS: Sorry about the quality of the pic btw It's of my 28 year-old calculator which has managed to get dust all over the inside of the screen and the solar cells. A bit like sensor-dust (being impossible to get rid of)

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