
By shy

1990 Ovation 12-String

Just count the strings. At least one is in focus.
Not my guitar, unfortunately, but it really sounds good.

The auditors finally left this evening - so I'm a happy bunny. Trouble is, I now have three weeks' work to catch up with, but I'll start that tomorrow.

My Austrian boss was in a 4 hour meeting between Pension Actuaries and Lawyers, and came to the conclusion that most of the meeting involved skirting around the issues, and then gradually tightening the circle until they finally think about solving the actual problem. "Like a mouse circling bacon". I mentioned the fact that they invoice by the quater-hour, and he seemed to understand.

Talking about economy of words, I've been listening to the "six word life story" currently being discussed on Radio 4.

It all seems to come from Ernest Hemmingway's piece, which was

"For Sale: baby shoes. Never Worn"

Margaret Atwood came up with: "Longed for him. Got him. Shit"

and William Shatner's contribution was "Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket"

I think Hemingway's is best.

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