
By spitzimixi

get out my way, I'm on a crusade

I guess we all get those little photography tics...you think you might possibly DIE if you don't get that shot? Well, I have it at the moment. I want to shoot (possibly with a gun if things don't get better) the crows that hang out on our road early in the morning.
Easy, right?
This is today's attempt.....
I might camp out on the road all night tonight, camera at the ready....

today's song should be a "song about me". Now, as far as I know, no one has actually written a song about me. Maybe I'm wrong but I certainly don't know of one. However, a while back the most beautiful, talented, sexy-voiced, intelligent (etc etc) newsreader at the BBC told me that this song is about me - so, who am I to argue?

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