it's good to talk know what I found?
no? what?
a nipple plant!
a nipple plant, I was digging the rabbits and then I found a nipple plant!
wow...and...what do they look like?
like carrots only they don't taste nice.
ahhhhh, do you mean a parsnip?
YEAH, that's what I said.
and why were you digging the rabbits?
not RABBITS...idiot...CARROTS the bit of the garden for the carrots, that we planted!

my littlest inherited my ability to talk endlessly. When I was little, Father Christmas brought me the 7" of this song I used to like. I certainly don't like it anymore, though it's not quite as bad as I remember it. I used to talk a lot as a little and ask a lot of the "why has that man got hair growing out of his nose" type questions. I got told to be quiet so many times that, as a teenager, I actually refused to speak to anyone who wasn't a close friend. Later on I started talking again (I was worried that I might explode) but ended up marrying someone who doesn't like chatter but likes to have an audience for his occasional monologues. And then I went on to have two monologue children and one chatterer. I rarely get a word in edgeways but STILL have the reputation of talking a lot, even though I know that it can't be true. Since living in a German speaking country I've had to work harder at listening and talking cos it's all in foreign. It can be exhausting at times. And when I get the chance to speak English I suddenly notice that I'm not all that good at it anymore....
When I do go off on one these days, I sometimes get played this which is infinitely better than ole Charles and David. But just as insulting. *pauses to think nasty thoughts about people* ;-)

by the way...I was going to blip a rabbit for y'all but the dog looked too cute to resist.
and...the crows didn't even bother turning up this morning...gits

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