

We've got friends to play all day today! harrison and aiden have come to us for the day as their mummy has to work away. Before they arrived, katie and I had a play at home together. She made me chuckle this morning - she went to the cupboard, got a cup. She went to the fridge, got the milk. She opened it, poured the milk into the cup, put the lid back on it. Then left the fridge wide open. So near!

So far this morning, we've baked buns and flapjack, had a play and then headed out to the park with the triple buggy. My goodness those things are a) heavy and awkward to push b) a nightmare to get through park gates, park paths with post vans stuck on them, or doorways. All of which I had to do!

The children are all fed and watered, two of them are sleeping and the other one - who is used to a lot of telly time - is having some postman pat since, to his disgust, we don't have any tv channels!

A friend stopped by after lunch. Then when the small babies got up, we had another play then went to feed the ducks. Without the triple buggy. Aiden went in Katie's stroller, Harrison and Katie walked! They chased the ducks round the village green as the ducks were not too keen to be fed. They then followed them, without chasing, round a couple of blocks. We went for a few bits at the shop and they both sat excitedly next to each other in the trolley. The boys went home after Aiden's tea, leaving a huge pile of dirty nappies behind them!

Katie at 17months
* can build a tower with her ten stacking cubes. In fact, she'll stack any kind of brick she can find.
* blows food if its hot, whilst saying 'hot'
* exclaims 'oops' if she or someone else drops or spills
* can do the actions and now sing some of the words to wind the bobbin, ring o' roses, open-shut them, lets clap hands together, row row the boat
* counts one-two-three, although she sometimes forgets one.
* has been, and slept through, her first christening
* has met 2 new cousins
* has learnt lots of new words including: bobbin, wave, clap, car, miaow, slide, push, splish splash, coat, Max, cheese, pasta, stairs, boo, peas, toast, juice, tickle-tickle, Boris, wipe, please (or sometimes wishy instead?!) sock, shoes, grapes, and my favourite Mummy (instead of mamma)
* run increasingly quickly
* survived the rota virus
* picks up a phone (or remote) chatters, then says bye, and presses the 'end call' button
* gets her coat and shoes, then mine when she wants to go out
* presents me with my dressing gown in teh morning when she has decided it's get out of bed time
* plays lets pretend for hours with her dolls and soft toys

She likes:
* icing from buns
* creamed mushrooms
* playing with dolls
* lots of kisses and cuddles - even more than ever
* playing with Ava and Max - even more than ever!
* going to hide when I say 'lets get dressed', then standing and giggling

She doesnt like
* places being too busy still
* waking up where she didnt go to sleep
* sitting or laying still to get dressed. She wants to just do it all herself.

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